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1960年至1975年期間,美國捲起一陣耶穌運動(Jesus Movement),因而拓展了各種方案為提倡普世福音宣道。其中一項策略叫做「尤里卡!」(Eureka)「尤里卡」是希臘古文 εὕρηκα,譯為「我找到了!」 無論你去哪裡,都會看到許多基督徒在衣服上貼了一張像光榮勳章一樣的小貼紙。這很像選舉日投票所送的「我投票了!」或是紅十字會送的「我是捐血人!」貼紙。這張亮橘紅色的小貼紙,主要是用來引起人的好奇心,繼而吸引他們前來跟你討論這張貼紙的意思。藉此,基督徒就會有機會跟別人分享他們如何找到生命的答案。這個策略,就如許多其他風行過的傳福音策略一樣,成功地橫掃全球。
「福音四律」是另外一套極受歡迎的傳福音方法。比爾 · 布萊特(Bill Bright)是1960年代「美國學園傳道會」的總幹事。他制定出的這套「福音四律」,用簡單的言語介紹如何按照四個步驟成為基督徒。這套方法已成為目前世界上最受歡迎的傳福音模式之一。福音四律内容如下:
1. 神的目的
2. 我 們的問題
3. 神補救的方法
4. 我們的回應
基督徒對傳福音有極大的迫切感,因為在聖經啟示錄 3:20說,耶穌「站在門外叩門」,要快把心門打開,邀請他進入你的心中。但是聖經是一本很大的書,裡面有三十九卷舊約(參部落格二文:舊約聖經=希伯來聖經=塔納赫?及“舊”約),二十七卷新約。光是英文聖經「欽定版」(King James Version)就有783,137個字,31,102節經文。這麼龐大的一本書,竟能把基督教的本質概括成四點結論,似乎太局限了吧!是不是基督徒希望把福音轉換成一個神奇的公式,不僅讓傳福音變得便捷、輕鬆,又可以讓更多人在更短的時間内聽到福音? 但事實上,分享信仰時,有太多生活因素和文化方面需求的考量。過於簡化的方法,反而缺乏針對個人需求的深度、平衡和敏感度。
這種快速傳福音方式,不但沒有告訴傳福音對象上帝是誰,還一口咬定,對方一定渴望被「救贖」(參部落格:若不流血,罪就不得赦免嗎?)。其實在許多文化中──例如在亞洲,「罪人」一詞馬上令人聯想到「犯人」,也就是一個有犯罪行為的人。當一個西方人要告訴一個有這種文化背景的人:「你犯了罪,你要悔改,你需要救恩。」 這種做法非常容易引起反感。西方宣教士以為這種千篇一律的傳福音方式,會有奇蹟般的果效。殊不知如此做法,只會給許多人造成誤解、讓人聽了不舒服、甚至產生副作用。
著名的葛理翰牧師(Billy Graham)在世時開過了無數個佈道奮興大會。這些大會的最高潮點就是「呼召」。他會在講完道之後邀請所有願意決志信耶穌的人,離開他們的座位往前台走。這個舉止象徵著,你願意公開表明、委身接受耶穌基督的見證。唱詩班頓時響起他們的招牌聖詩──「來就上主羔羊」,當下,幾百、甚至上千人,會魚貫地從觀眾席慢慢地走到台前。根據統計,回應葛理翰牧師呼召決志信耶穌,總計超過三千兩百萬人。這種大規模的決志場面實在是太壯觀了。許多人在情緒激昂的情況下決志加入陣隊,成為基督精兵的一份子。
新加入的成員會馬上受到他“屬靈”新家庭的熱烈歡迎及熱情擁抱。但在激情尚未平息之前,很多剛歸入主名下的新兵,尤其是來自那些已經虔誠信奉別的宗教的家庭成員,會遭受到他們“屬肉體”家庭苛刻的指責,甚至威脅與逼迫。他們必須勇敢並迅速地穿上“神的全副軍裝”:「所以,要拿起神所賜的全副軍裝,好在磨難的日子抵擋仇敵,並且成就了一切,還能站立得住。所以要站穩了,用真理當作帶子束腰,用公義當作護心鏡遮胸,又用平安的福音當作預備走路的鞋穿在腳上。此外又拿著信德當作虅牌,可以滅盡那惡者一切的火箭。並戴上救恩的頭盔,拿著聖靈的寶劍,就是神的道。」(以弗所書6:13-17)從此時此刻起,家人的不諒解與反對會被詮釋為「與惡者衝突的屬靈爭戰」(以弗所書6:12);朋友的好言相勸會變成“撒旦的伎倆”(參部落格:二元論)。這些新基督徒認真學習各種技巧不去隨從世界,不妥協與他們信仰不相同的信念與生活,開始過著“背十字架”的生活 (路加福音 9:24-25; 馬太福音 16:26; 馬可福音 8:35-36) 。他們不但向自己死,也向家人死。
當這些福音策略有效地運作,被拯救的靈魂數目跟著劇增之同時,無數的家庭也成功地被拆散 (參部落格:雙重標準),許多的文化也受到襲擊。但是,福音精兵的隊伍仍一代接一代,持續堅決的往前行。就如我小時候在主日學學的一首歌,“向前走呀,努力向前走,一去不回頭。手扶著犁向後看的人,不配進神國。向前走呀,努力向前走,主就在前頭。” 幾十年來,福音的種子確實成功地撒播在全世界各個年齡層的心靈裡。熱心的基督徒仍毫不倦怠的傳承此精神,投擲於發展更先進、更有效的福音策略。但不幸的是,他們常常忽視了那些因為福音之傳播而受傷的心靈、被破壞的家庭和被損害的文化。“我找到了”的定義會不會不是真的如基督徒想像中那麼美好?或許這是見仁見智。
Evangelical Strategies
During the period from 1960 to 1975, the United States experienced a revival known as the "Jesus Movement," which led to the development of various strategies for promoting universal evangelism. One of these strategies was called "Eureka!" "Eureka" is derived from the ancient Greek εὕρηκα, which is a joyful exclamation when someone discovers something. Thus, they translated it as "I found it!" Wherever you went during this time, you would see many Christians wearing a small sticker that resembled a badge of honor. It was similar to the "I Voted!" stickers given out at polling stations on election day or the "I'm a Blood Donor!" stickers from the Red Cross. This bright orange-red sticker was primarily used to pique people's curiosity and draw them into a discussion about its meaning. Through this, Christians had the opportunity to share how they had found answers to life's questions. This strategy, like many other popular evangelism strategies, successfully spread worldwide.
The "Four Spiritual Laws" is another highly popular method for sharing the Gospel. Bill Bright was the President of the "Campus Crusade for Christ" in the 1960s and developed this set of "Four Spiritual Laws," which presents how to become a Christian in simple terms. This method has become one of the most widely used evangelism models in the world. The content of the Four Spiritual Laws is as follows:
1. God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life.
2. Man is sinful and separated from God.
3. Jesus Christ is God's only provision for man's sin. Through Him, we can know and experience God's love and plan.
4. We must individually receive Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.
If a non-believer is moved by these four steps and wants to believe, they are encouraged to make a "decision prayer." The content of this prayer is quite specific: they must first acknowledge to God that they are a sinner, believe that Jesus died on the cross for their sins and cleansed them, invite Jesus into their heart as their Lord and Savior, and end the prayer "in Jesus' name" with an "Amen." Many Christians view this prayer as a necessary step. It's seen as the equivalent of completing a required course credit in college; without it, graduation isn't possible because Romans 10:9 states, "If you declare with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord,' and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved."
Another set of evangelism tools is called the "Bridge to Life." Like the "Four Spiritual Laws," it is a colorful booklet. The strategy of the "Bridge to Life" also consists of four points. The booklet features an illustration of two cliffs, one with a person standing on the left and the other with God standing on the right. The bridge connecting the gap between the two cliffs is a large cross. While this is a very simple image, it vividly portrays the concept that "only through Jesus' cross can the gap between humanity and God be bridged."
The four points of the "Bridge to Life" are as follows:
1. God's Purpose
2. Our Problem
3. God's Solution
4. Our Response
Christians have a deep sense of urgency in sharing the Gospel because Revelation 3:20 in the Bible says, "Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me." However, the Bible is a large book with thirty-nine Old Testament books ( Please refer to my 2 blog posts: What is the Difference between the Old Testament, the Tanakh, and the Hebrew Bible? and "Old" Testament ) and twenty-seven New Testament books. Just the King James Version of the English Bible contains 783,137 words and 31,102 verses. Summarizing the essence of Christianity into four points may seem limiting. Do Christians wish to turn the Gospel into a magical formula to make evangelism more convenient and quick, reaching more people in a shorter time? In reality, when sharing faith, there are many considerations related to individual life factors and cultural needs. Overly simplified methods may lack depth, balance, and sensitivity to personal needs.
These rapid evangelism methods not only fail to explain who God is to the recipient but also assume that they are eager for some sorts of "redemption"(Please refer to my blog post: Is There No Forgiveness Without the Shedding of Blood?) In fact, in many cultures, such as in Asia, the term "sinner" immediately evokes the idea of a "criminal," someone who has committed a crime. When a Westerner tries to tell someone from such a cultural background, "You have sinned, you need to repent, you need salvation," this approach can be very off-putting. Western missionaries may think that this one-size-fits-all evangelism approach will produce miraculous results. However, this method often leads to misunderstandings, discomfort, and even adverse reactions.
The renowned Pastor Billy Graham conducted numerous evangelistic crusades during his lifetime. The climax of these crusades was the "altar call." After delivering his sermon, he would invite anyone willing to accept Jesus to leave their seats and come forward. This act symbolized one's willingness to publicly declare and commit to accepting Jesus Christ. The choir would then sing their signature hymn, "Just As I Am," and hundreds, even thousands of people, would gradually walk from the audience to the front of the stage. According to statistics, more than 3.2 million people responded to Billy Graham's call to accept Jesus, creating these massive altar call scenes. Many individuals made this decision in the heat of the moment, stirred by their emotions, to become part of the Christian army.
New members are often warmly welcomed and embraced by their “spiritual new family” as soon as they join. However, before the passion subsides, many newcomers, especially those from devoutly religious families of other faiths, may face harsh criticism, threats, and even persecution from their “fleshly families”. They must courageously and swiftly put on the "full armor of God": "Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God." (Ephesians 6:13-17)
From this moment onward, the family's misunderstanding and opposition are interpreted as a "spiritual battle against the forces of evil" (Ephesians 6:12). Well-intentioned advice from friends becomes "Satan's schemes" (Please refer to my blog post: Dualism), These new Christians earnestly learn various skills to resist conforming to the world, to stand firm in their faith, and to live a "cross-bearing" life (Luke 9:24-25; Matthew 16:26; Mark 8:35-36) that involves not only dying to themselves but also facing opposition from their families.
As these evangelism strategies effectively operate and lead to an increase in the number of saved souls, countless families are also successfully disrupted, and many cultures are impacted ( Please refer to my blog post :Double Standard). However, generation after generation, the ranks of evangelical soldiers continue to march forward resolutely. Just as I learned in a Sunday school song from my childhood, "Onward, Christian soldiers, march forward and never look back. No one who has their hands on the plow and looks backward is fit to enter the kingdom of God. Move forward diligently; the Lord is ahead."
Over the decades, the seeds of the gospel have indeed been sown successfully in the hearts of people of all ages worldwide. Zealous Christians continue tirelessly in this spirit, innovating and developing more advanced and effective evangelism strategies. However, unfortunately, they often overlook the wounded souls, broken families, and damaged cultures that result from the spread of the gospel. Perhaps the definition of "I found it" is not as idyllic as Christians imagine. It may be a matter of subjective opinion.