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金口約翰 Golden Mouth

作家相片: theospective4theospective4


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"The Jews are always degenerate because of their odious assassination of Christ. For this, no expiation is possible, no indulgence, no pardon." ~John Chrysostom

譯:「猶太人因殺害基督可憎之惡行,會不斷的衰退落寞。 因此,他們的罪不可能被贖、被豁免、也不會被饒恕。」~金口約翰

第四世紀末至第五世紀初年間,基督教界興起了不少位傑出的宗教領袖,這些先賢教父對基督教歷史的貢獻和神學觀的塑造有極深遠的影響。其中的約翰 . 屈梭多模(John Chrysostom 公元347-407年生於安提阿)凸顯的德高望重。他曾任君士坦丁堡大主教,教會甚至在他死後將他封為聖人。屈梭多模是一個仗義直言、善惡分明、嚴守紀律的人。他對他所處時代之當政者與教會內部濫用職權的做法極度不滿,因此經常為正義伸張,並對執政者激烈的譴責毫不諱言。他不僅講道口若懸河,常常領許多人歸主,他對聖經忠心的解經更是深深吸引了群眾。因他出色的雄辯演講能力和不尋常鋼鐵般的意志,後世的人譽他為「金口」(希臘語 χρυσόστομος)英語繼而以 John "Chrysostom"(意為 "golden-mouthed" )稱呼他,中文音譯為「約翰 . 屈梭多模」或 「金口約翰」;也因為他在歷史上對護教權威佔有一席之地,為基督教留下了不可磨滅寶貴的遺產,因此也贏得了「教會博士」之頭銜。

金口約翰的講道內容極為豐富生動。他除了結合個人對聖經的洞察力,用淺顯易懂的方式做佈道之外,他喜歡在講章裡包含生活化的道德與社會性的教訓,因此他數百篇的演講與佈道內容經常會被熱愛他的聽眾逐字的記錄下來,成為今日珍貴的文獻。 在他現存的著作中,有 67篇創世紀、59篇詩篇、90篇馬太福音、88篇約翰福音、還有 55篇使徒行傳的解經佈道。 除了釋經方面的寫作之外,金口涉及的題材相當廣,譬如:婚姻與家庭、富裕與貧窮、神職人員角色、悔改與絕望、異端、愛篇、撒旦、貞操等等。其實今天的讀者若對他作品有興趣,不需特別去古代文獻檔案館搜尋,只要上網一點,就可以買到金口整套的作品集,這些作品甚至還被翻譯成多國語言呢!金口在基督教界的影響力是眾目共睹的。

但現代的基督徒可能會很訝異,這位受尊崇的基督教聖人,竟然於公元386-387 年期間──就是他在安提阿擔任長老的頭兩年裡,連續發表了八次針對「反猶太主義者的講道(註:「猶太主義者」為那些想透過改宗儀式皈依猶太教的人)。他的宗旨是譴責猶太人和猶太化的基督徒。他強烈批評指責他們參與猶太人的儀式、節日和其他有關猶太人的紀念活動。這八篇道叫做“Adversus Judaeos” ,古希臘原文為 Κατὰ Ἰουδαίωv;英文翻作 Against the Jews,中文則翻為「反猶太人」。金口這八篇的內容,如前述,是被記錄後傳留下來的。下列的八個短例是分別從「反對猶太化的八篇演講」(Eight Orations Against Judaizing) 的講章裡節摘選出來的。不言自明,讀者可清楚看到為何這位令人景仰的 「教會博士」 竟然會是一位激烈反猶太主義的鼓吹者。他不僅影響了基督教界,連第二次世界大戰的納粹黨為了鼓吹反對猶太人的運動,也不乏引用金口約翰和新教改革者馬丁路德(註:參部落格:馬丁路德)反猶太的名言。他演講的例子如下:


-「我說猶太人很可憐,他們真的又悲慘又不幸。因為有這麼多的祝福從天而降,他們居然拋置一旁,不遺餘力地將之一併拒絕了….儘管這些猶太人被稱為 “被領養的兒子”,但他們卻與狗染上親戚關係….就像耶穌對迦南婦人說話時,他把猶太人稱為兒子,把邦人稱為狗一樣。」


















-「其實以賽亞把猶太人稱為 “狗”,耶利米把他們稱為瘋狂的 “馬”,不是因為猶太人突然改變了這些野獸的獸性,而是因為他們模仿了這些動物的淫蕩習性。」



-「但以理救了野蠻人(註:巴比倫),讓他們免遭屠殺(但以理書 2:24),但他並沒有將猶太人從被擄之地解救出來。 」

-「猶太人想返回耶路撒冷重建聖殿是不可能的....羅馬人毀滅(聖殿)是最終一次了。 猶太人自己都承認,如果沒有聖殿時,所有的儀式都是無用的。」












讀者應該不難想像如果金口這些演講是出自一位21世紀的牧師的口,現今的社會會如何看待他?社交媒體如果刊登了這種言詞,他會遭受如何的下場?因好奇心驅使,我決定將金口約翰這八個演講內容貼在 ChatGPT上,看它會有什麼反應。結果以下的字樣馬上浮現在我的電腦螢幕上:「該內容似乎包含了某種評論或批評,可能違反我們的內容政策或使用條款。我需要提醒您要謹慎處理涉及宗教或民族恐嚇之言論,以確保不冒犯或引起不必要的爭議….」連 ChatGPT 都表示金口偏激的言論違反了他們的公司政策,更何況是有血有肉的基督徒。很不幸,基督徒不但不為這段令人汗顏的歷史感到羞愧,還進一步為金口辯護。他們認為,雖然金口的言論無疑充滿了敵意,並且助長反猶太主義意識,但其本質是在強調修辭和神學,而不是真正在鼓吹呼籲暴力與歧視。

在「金口約翰與猶太人:四世紀末的修辭與現實」(John Chrysostom and the Jews: Rhetoric and Reality in the Late Fourth Century)一書中, 作者威爾肯(Robert L. Wilken)表示,如果想要深入了解為什麼當年金口約翰說了這些話,我們不應該透過現代仇恨的視角與立場去評論他;反之,我們應該將其內容放在中世紀的時代背景下解讀才可能有較客觀的結論。威爾肯認為金口之所以講了這番激烈反猶太人的話並不是因為歧視,而是因為在他那個時代,基督教勢力相當薄弱,在社會上沒有聲音也沒有自信,它只不過是安提阿多種文化力量中的其中之一而已。當「叛教者朱利安」在公元361至363年期間擔任皇帝的時候,他試圖撤銷君士坦丁皇帝的「基督教化政策」並允許猶太人在耶路撒冷重建被羅馬人於公元70年摧毀的聖殿,以此來削弱基督教的影響力。(註:朱利安即帝位後,因拒絕將基督教視為羅馬帝國的國教,並決心重建異教主義,因而被歷史學者稱為「叛教者」)。皇帝這個舉動對基督徒來說,顯然是一個巨大的威脅。因此,基督教必須在當時與已有穩固基礎的猶太人競爭;換句話說,金口提出的這些強烈論點是為了確保基督教的生存與傳承。試問,如果按照他這種觀點,我們是否也應該更加深思寬容希特勒仇視屠殺猶太人的滔天罪呢?


The Golden Mouth

"The Jews are always degenerate because of their odious assassination of Christ. For this, no expiation is possible, no indulgence, no pardon."~John Chrysostom

From the end of the fourth century to the beginning of the fifth century, many outstanding religious leaders emerged in Christianity communities. These sages and church fathers made profound contributions to Christian history and have significantly shaped its theology. Among them, John Chrysostom (born in Antioch, 347-407 CE ) was highly respected. He once served as Archbishop of Constantinople, and the church even canonized him as a saint after his death. Chrysostom was an outspoken man who distinguished clearly between good and evil, who rigorously adhered to discipline.

He was extremely dissatisfied with the practices of the ruling authorities of his time and the abuse of power within the church, so he often advocated for justice and made no secret of his fierce condemnation of those in power. Not only did he preach eloquently and often lead many people to the Lord, but his loyal interpretation of the Bible deeply attracted big crowds. Because of his outstanding eloquent speaking ability and unusual steely will, later generations praised him as "Chrysostom" (Greek: χρυσόστομος) which means the "golden-mouthed"; also because he had a place of apologetic authority in history, he left an inerasable and valuable legacy for Christianity, earning him the title of "Doctor of the Church.”

John Chrysostom’s sermons were rich and vivid. He liked to share his personal insights into the Bible and deliver sermons in an easy-to-understand manner, he also liked to include life-oriented moral and social lessons in his sermons. Therefore, the content of his hundreds of lectures and sermons were often meticulously recorded word for word by his devoted audiences. They became valuable documents today. Among his existing works are 67 on Genesis, 59 on Psalms, 90 on Matthew, 88 on John, and 55 sermons on Acts. In addition to his exegetical writings, Chrysostom covered a wide range of subjects, such as: marriage and family, wealth and poverty, the role of the clergy, repentance and despair, heresies, love, Satan, chastity, etc. In fact, if today's readers are interested in his works, they don't need to search in ancient archives, they can simply buy the complete set of Chrysostom's works with just one online click. These works have even been translated into many languages! Chrysostom's influence in the Christian world is evident to all.

However, Christians today might be surprised to find out that, this revered Christian saint delivered eight consecutive sermons against “Judaizers”( Note: Judaizers are those who want to become Jewish through the ritual of proselytism) during the years 386-387 CE, within the first two years of his position as an elder in Antioch. His purpose was to condemn Jews and Judaizing Christians. He strongly criticized them for participating in Jewish rituals, festivals and other Jewish observances. These eight sermons are called "Adversus Judaeos." The original ancient Greek title was Κατὰ Ἰουδαίωv, the English translation is “Against the Jews.” The contents of these eight sermons were recorded and passed down. The following eight short excerpts were taken respectively from these sermons or homilies. It is self-explanatory and the reader can clearly see why this admired “Doctor of the Church” turned out to be a fierce advocate of anti-Semitism. He not only influenced the Christian community, but even the Nazi Party in World War II cited John Chrysostom and the Protestant reformer Martin Luther (Note: Please refer to my blog post: Martin Luther for their anti-Semitic speeches in order to promote their campaign against the Jews. His sermon examples are as follows:

Homily 1

- “I called the Jews pitiable. They really are pitiable and miserable. When so many blessings from heaven came into their hands, they thrust them aside and were at great pains to reject them.”

-“Although those Jews had been called to the adoption of sons, they fell to kinship with dogs…Christ was speaking to the Canaanite woman when He called the Jews children and the Gentiles dogs.”

-“Although such beasts are unfit for work, they are fit for killing. And this is what happened to the Jews: while they were making themselves unfit for work, they grew fit for slaughter.”

-“These Jews are gathering choruses of effeminates and a great rubbish heap of harlots; they drag into the synagogue the whole theater, actors and all. For there is no difference between the theater and the synagogue.”

-“Certainly it is the time for me to show that demons dwell in the synagogue, not only in the place itself but also in the souls of the Jews.”

-“Do you see that demons dwell in their souls and that these demons are more dangerous than the ones of old?”

-“For I am persuaded to call the fasting of the Jews a table of demons because they slew God. If the Jews are acting against God, must they not be serving the demons?”

-“The Jews frighten the simpler-minded Christians with the bugbears and hobgoblins of their shrines.”

Homily 2

-“The wicked and unclean fast of the Jews is now at our doors…. What is done contrary to God's purpose, be it sacrifice ( Please refer to my blog post: The Meaning of Sacrifice) or fast, is the most abominable of all things… be it circumcision (Please refer to my blog post: Go Emasculate!) or fasting, through that one commandment, has given the Law full power over himself.”(Please refer to my blog post: Paul and the Law)

-“Did you not hear in my previous discourse the argument which clearly proved to us that demons dwell in the very souls of the Jews and in places in which they gather?”

Homily 3

-“That is what destroyed the Jews. While they always kept looking for the old customs and life, these were stripped from them and they turned to impiety.”

-“They(Jews) cannot explain what they do. But they refuse to ask anybody, just as if they were wiser than anybody else. They deserve the strongest condemnation because they do not have the answers themselves, but they refuse to follow those who have been appointed to lead them. They have simply risked all they have on this silly practice and are throwing themselves head first down into the depths of danger.”

-“Many are now tearing this peace (sent by the Holy Spirit) asunder by destroying us and exalting the Jews. These men consider the Jews as more trustworthy teachers than their own Fathers; they believe the account of Christ's passion and death which is given by those who slew Him. What could be more unreasonable than this?”

Homily 4

-“The most miserable and wretched of all men (Jews), are going to fast, and again we must make secure the flock of Christ. As long as no wild beast disturbs the flock…But today the Jews, who are more dangerous than any wolves, are bent on surrounding my sheep; so I must spar with them and fight with them so that no sheep of mine may fall victim to those wolves.” (Please refer to my blog post: Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing).

-“The difference between the Jews and us is not a small one, is it? …They crucified the Christ whom you adore as God. Do you see how great the difference is?”

-“Since it is against the Jews that I wish to draw up my battle line, let me extend my instruction further .... The Jews dishonor the law and trample underfoot God's commands because they are always doing everything contrary to his decrees.”

-“In fact Isaiah called the Jews dogs and Jeremiah called them mare-mad horses. This was not because they suddenly changed natures with those beasts but because they were pursuing the lustful habits of those animals.”

Homily 5

-“My battle against the Jews did come to a fitting end. The monument marking their rout has been set up, the victory crown belongs to me…..And with God's help, I did give precise proof of this. For even if the Jews were going to recover their own city… and see their temple rebuilt-an event which will never come to pass.”

-“Daniel saved the barbarians from slaughter (Note: Referring to Babylonian in Daniel 2:24), but he did not deliver the Jews from their captivity.”

Homily 6

-“If I strip and get ready to enter the arena against the Jews, let no one accuse me of choosing the wrong time for my discourse. The martyrs would find a discourse against the Jews more desirable than any panegyric of mine, since I could never make them more illustrious than they are.”

-“When you Jews lived the life of ungodliness before, you got everything; now, after the cross, although you seem to be living a more moderate life, you endure a greater vengeance and have none of your former blessings.”

Homily 7

-“Their (Jews) trumpets were a greater outrage than those heard in the theaters; their fasts were more disgraceful than any drunken revel. So, too, the tents which at this moment are pitched among them are no better than the inns where harlots and flute girls (Note: prostitute) ply their trades. Let no one condemn me for the boldness of my words.”

-“Let the Jews learn how we feel. Let it also become known to those who side with the Jews, even though they pretend to be ranked with us. We have an eager and vigilant concern for our brothers who have deserted over the Jewish side. When the Jews find this out, it will be they, rather than we, who thrust out those of our number who frequent their synagogue. I should say, there will be no one hereafter who will dare to flee to them, and the body of the Church will be unsullied and pure.”

Homily 8

-“Gone is the fasting of the Jews, or rather, the drunkenness of the Jews. Yes, it is possible to be drunk without wine; it is possible for a sober man to act as if he is drunk and to revel like a prodigal…A man can be drunk with anger, with unseemly desire, with greed, with vainglory, with ten thousand other passions. For drunkenness is nothing other than a loss of right reason, a derangement, and depriving the soul of its health…the Jews are drunk but do not know they are drunk…The fasting of the Jews, which is more disgraceful than any drunkenness.”

-“For those who have just observed the fast have fallen among robbers, the Jews. And the Jews are more savage than any highwaymen; they do greater harm to those who have fallen among them…The Jews have mortally hurt their victim's soul, inflicted on it ten thousand wounds, and left it lying in the pit of ungodliness.”

-“The Jews seem to relieve your fever with their incantations, they are not relieving it. They are bringing down on your conscience another more dangerous fever.”

For centuries, Christians have continued to find reasons to blame the Jews. They claim that these unbelieving Jews were morally corrupt, legalistic, and responsible for the death of their Lord Jesus. They said that the reason why the Jews were cursed, spurned, and persecuted was because they committed heinous sins. They suffered the consequences, and received the retribution they deserved, and could never be redeemed.

Perhaps Christians could ask themselves introspectively and consider whether there is a direct connection between the historical tragedies endured by Jews and the formation of anti-Semitic sentiment in today's society due to the teachings of the early Christian sages? Could it be that they have learned to be hostile toward Jews by following in the footsteps of Martin Luther who developed a hatred for Jews in his later years? Could it be that due to the revered status of the "Doctors of the Church" in Christian history, Christians believe that any words passed down from figures like Chrysostom are considered golden and should be accepted without filtration?

It shouldn’t be difficult for readers to imagine how today's society would view these speeches if they were delivered by a pastor in the 21st century. What would happen to him if such words were published on social media? Driven by curiosity, I decided to paste these eight homilies of John Chrysostom on ChatGPT to see how it would react. As a result, the following words immediately popped on my computer screen: "This content may violate our content policy or terms of use. I need to remind you to strictly handle intimidation involving religion or ethnic groups to ensure that it does not offend or cause unnecessary controversy…" If Chat GPT finds Chrysostom’s extreme remarks unacceptable, let alone a real-life Christian. Unfortunately, instead of expressing remorse for this shameful history, Christians have often gone to greater lengths to defend Chrysostom.

They feel that while Chrysostom’s words were undoubtedly hostile and contributed to a legacy of anti-Semitism, they were primarily rhetorical and theological in nature, rather than literal calls for violence and discrimination.

In his book, "John Chrysostom and the Jews: Rhetoric and Reality in the Late Fourth Century," Robert L. Wilken suggests that before judging Chrysostom’s sharp antisemitic remarks through a modern lens, we must first understand the cultural and historical context of the medieval era in which he lived. Only then can we see that his homilies weren’t necessarily rooted in prejudice. Wilken argued that during Chrysostom’s era, Christianity was a marginalized faith with little societal influence, it was merely one among several cultural forces in Antioch. When “Julian the Apostate” was the emperor from 361 to 363 CE (Note: After Julian ascended the throne, he refused to regard Christianity as a state of the Roman Empire. He was determined to rebuild paganism, so he was called "The Apostate" by historians), he tried to undermine Christians by reversing Emperor Constantine’s Christianization campaign, by permitting the Jews to rebuild their Temple in Jerusalem, which had been destroyed by the Romans in 70 CE. This move was obviously a huge threat to Christians. Therefore, Chrysostom’s strong stance was necessary because Christians had to compete with well-established Jews in order to ensure the survival and legacy of Christianity. Using the same argument of Wilken, does it mean we should also be more thoughtful and forgiving about tolerating Hitler's heinous crime of hating and killing the Jews?

While John Chrysostom was canonized as a saint, no one is perfect. Especially when Christianity often proclaims that "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23), emphasizing God's immense love. May every Christian, in addition to courageously questioning destructive rhetoric and overturning unhealthy teachings, also face the damage Christianity has inflicted upon the Jews and be willing to humbly take responsibility for the mistreatment of Jews over the centuries.

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