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贖罪日的秘密 The Secret of Yom Kippur~飛翔在天使之間/賴希曼拉比撰寫~Flying Amongst Angels

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這就是為什麼邁蒙尼德斯(Maimonides 參註二)說,我們在贖罪日禁食並不是因為這是一個禁令痛苦的日子;相反,這是一個完全擁抱靈性、深入我們的根本、我們真實自我的日子。


註一:希伯來文和數目字有非常緊密的關係。猶太人很看重數字學,有人把它翻成 “命理學”(“numerology”)。可能類似中國傳統一向重視姓名學,依據個人八字五行,以求有益之筆劃組合來取一個最吉祥的名字。希伯來數字傳統上是使用「希伯來字母表」中的字母書寫的。「零」除外,每個希伯來字母各會對應一個數字。 正因為如此,數字可以拼出不同的單詞,每個單詞加起來都有它的數值(參部落格:耶穌家譜)。


Yom Kippur

There are two main High Holy Days in Jewish faith: The first one is Rosh Hashanah also known as the New Year celebration (Please refer to my blog post: Rosh Hashanah); The second one is Yom Kippur, often referred to as Day of Atonement which marks the last day of the “10 days of Repentance.”

I came across a presentation on the "Jews for Judaism" YouTube channel titled "Flying Amongst Angels" by Rabbi Shmuel Reichman, an internationally renowned speaker and best-selling author. I found his perspective on Yom Kippur both refreshing and inspiring. I wanted to use my blog as a platform to share this beautiful content with readers, to invite you to embark on this meaningful journey exploring the diverse interpretations of this sacred day, and together, pursue a higher spiritual state."

“Arguably, one of the most important concepts in life, often misunderstood, is the nature of the soul. Many people believe that they possess a soul, some spiritual essence within themselves. However, deeper Jewish sources reveal a profound spiritual secret: You don't have a soul; you ARE a soul. In other words, the soul is not merely an aspect of yourself or some spiritual component of your being; it is your very essence. You are a soul, a consciousness, a spiritual being. When you say "I," you are referring to your soul, your inner sense of self. You have a body, emotions, and an intellect, all of which are different aspects and expressions of your soul. But fundamentally, you are a soul, an infinitely expansive consciousness.

Now, a soul is angelic, perfect, pure, and transcendent. However, the moment one enters this physical world, the infinite expansiveness of the soul is confined within the physical body. The body is the container of the soul, but it's also the soul's vehicle and tool, allowing the soul to manifest its will in this world. And this is our mission in life: we enter this world with an undeveloped vehicle, our limited body. And the soul, our existential self, is already perfect, but we don't yet have access to the fullness of our true self. As we journey through life, we tap into greater and greater aspects of our soul, our self, and we must then manifest them into the world through our physical bodies. In doing so, we uplift our physical vessels and enable them to tap into greater and greater aspects of our true self. This is the beautiful cycle of life: the endless expansion and expression of self into this physical world.

Now, while this perspective is both powerful and fundamental, its implementation is elusive and perhaps humanity's most central struggle, because many people believe that they are a body of physical finite beings. Having forgotten our true selves, we're born with the illusory belief that we are only that which we can see. We look into the mirror, and we only see flesh and bone, and we believe that this is all that we are. However, this is merely our starting point, because the turning point in life is the moment we realize that we are angelic souls in a physical casing. We're not physical beings attempting to have a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings trying to uplift our physical experience. And this is the central theme of Yom Kippur.

Yom Kippur is the one day of the year when we completely free ourselves of our physical limitations, embracing our angelic self. This day embodies true Teshuvah ( Note: תשובה repentance/ return) or , where we return to our ultimate route to our spiritually perfect self. Yom Kippur is characterized as the one day of the year when we have the ability to become a malach (Note: messenger, or angel). On this day, our lower self and physical urges are powerless; they can't bring us down. This idea is illustrated in the following gematria value ( Note: geometry- is a way of interpreting Jewish texts by adding up the numerical values of words ( Note 1) : Hasatan ( הסטן,Satan in Hebrew, means “the adversary” or “the accuser”) the evil inclination, has a numerical value of 364, and there are 365 days in the year. Satan only has power on 364 of those days. Yom Kippur is the one day when Satan has no power over you. On this day, you can completely transcend and experience angelic perfection. This secret is the root behind many of the prohibitions and commands of Yom Kippur. For example, there's a paradoxical relationship between the body and the soul. Your soul, which is yourself, is transcendent, infinite, and purely spiritual. You can't see, smell, or touch the consciousness, the mind, the self. You'll never see someone else's inner world, and yet, the body is finite, limited, and physical. So, if the soul and body are complete opposites, how do they manage to coexist as one, when we expect them to repel each other like two opposite sides of a magnet?

This is the powerful purpose of food. There needs to be something to keep your soul attached to your body, some kind of glue. Eating food generates the energy which keeps your neshama (Note: Hebrew: נשמה which can mean "soul" or "spirit") connected to your body, and this is why the lack of eating has the opposite effect. What happens when you don't eat? You become faint. And what happens if you continue to fast? You'll pass out. And if you still don't eat, your soul will eventually leave your body, and you'll die because eating maintains the connection between your soul and your body. It's what keeps you alive. We can now understand the concept of fasting, especially on the day of Yom Kippur. On Yom Kippur, we attempt to live as Malachim (מלאכים) as angels, completely transcending the physical world.

And we, therefore, fast, allowing our soul to somewhat transcend our body, enabling us to experience one day of living in an angelic state. This sheds light on the prohibitions of Yom Kippur. We don't engage in the physical world on Yom Kippur because it's a day for transcending the physical aspects of human experience. Yom Kippur presents a unique opportunity to transcend and experience the infinite. Unlike other fast days, Yom Kippur is not a day of suffering and mourning but one of spiritual transcendence.

This is why Maimonides ( Note 2) stated that on Yom Kippur, we rest from eating. It's not a day of prohibition and suffering; it's a day of completely embracing the spiritual and tapping into our absolute root, our truest sense of self. The transcendent experience of Yom Kippur lays the foundation for the rest of the year. While the physical can be destructive if misused, the ideal is not to completely transcend the physical but rather to use the physical to reflect something higher…Our goal as humans is not to escape the physical but to use it as a means of connecting to the transcendent. Our root must be transcendent, firmly grounded in the spiritual, and then, on that foundation, we can descend into the physical and use it in a transcendent way. May we be inspired to fully experience our angelic selves on Yom Kippur and then infuse the totality of our spiritual acquisition into our physical life, elevating our actions and intentions as we move this physical world towards its ultimate spiritual root.

Note 1: Hebrew and numerals share a close relationship. Jewish people place great importance on numerology. This parallels the traditional Chinese emphasis on name analysis, where the components of a name are chosen based on the strokes of individual Chinese characters (生辰八字) to create an auspicious name. Hebrew numerals are traditionally written using the letters of the Hebrew alphabet. With the exception of "zero," each Hebrew letter corresponds to a number. Consequently, numbers can be spelled out with different words, and each word has its numerical value (Please refer to my blog post: Genealogy of Jesus)

Note 2: Maimonidesis a medieval Jewish philosopher with considerable influence on Jewish thought, and on philosophy in general. He also was an important codifier on Jewish law. He is fuse and writings hold a permanent place in Jewish intellectual history.

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